The Busby

August 21st, 2023

“Do you ever think about me”
When you hear music we used to love
Or am I like a distant memory
You want to get rid of
We were getting too old
To be playing these games
So when you burned the bridge
I fanned the flames
Maybe I was the architect
But you had the army
So I bulldozed every memory we had
It’s like you never even knew me


July 14th, 2022

I let my world come crashing down
I could no longer hold it together
The ends of my last thread had frayed
And hanging on was too much pressure
Over the years I’ve given up hoping
That happiness could be in my life
But I was a victim of my circumstance
And realized I shouldn’t be a wife
Because my life is decided by me
I don’t want this state of confusion
I want to discover who I really am
I spent too much time in a delusion
So I let my world shatter piece by piece
Until I could no longer recognize it
I can change my hair, my job, my home
But these memories won’t let me forget
Everything I went through was for a reason
So I need to see this through
I never found out what it’s worth
But in the end I’ll find my value

The last poem I wrote before this was in April, titled “Whatever It’s Worth.” I might not know yet – but I’m getting there. (Photographed: April 2022-July 2022)

Shadow’s Scars

April 2nd, 2011

Back in that house
I couldn’t be safe
The feeling of comfort
Was too far away
I thought I would die
I thought you wouldn’t care
Cause every time I cried
You were never there
The bruises have healed
But the memories stay
And two houses later
It hasn’t gone away
Because I cannot forgive
The things I’ll never forget
And everything I went through
Do you even regret
Only one scar remains
Because it was real
And though you won’t admit it
Time will never heal